The Story of Muppet

I have a word of caution for you all: If you are at your vet office and someone sits next to you balancing an open cardboard box on their lap with a frail-looking creature inside, do NOT say, “can I see what is in your box?”, unless you are absolutely immune to the urge to fix what is broken.

I am not.

It was Muppet in that box, found by a U.S. Forestry Service work crew in the middle of a road winding through the Ocala National Forest. She was curled up in the same tight ball you see here, probably seeking the relative warmth of the road’s black surface on what was an incredibly chilly 37 degree morning, March 13th.

Poor, poor creature. Photo credit: Ivy Nys

She was devastatingly skinny and completely nude, her skin covered in crusty sores and open lesions. She did not look well enough to be alive. The Forestry Service crew had named her Muppet and were raising money for her care. For a reason I never learned, they brought her to my vet who is far across town from where she was found. In a box. That I looked in.

Muppet Intake. Photo credit: Ivy Nys

I spent time with Ivy, the wonderful person charged with the heavy responsibility of getting Muppet to the care she needed and, at the end of our brief time together, handed over my card and said I would help in any way needed; please call me.

Muppet spent that whole month at the vet, in isolation, getting treated for her numerous skin, ear, and eye infections.

Getting better, bit by bit.
Muppet, second treatment. Photo credit: Elizabeth Krienert

Now, there are some things we will never know about Muppet’s past, but there are other things that are pretty easy to guess. For starters, Muppet had been used for breeding, repeatedly. She was not old, but she was no longer young and her body had been used up. It is likely that a litter had been weaned from her just before she was found. Muppet was terrified of being outside of her kennel. Never, not once, during her hospitalization did she do her business outside. Never, not once, were staff able to get her to walk on a leash. She was patient with being handled, but awkward and unaccepting of hugs and caresses. Her skin issues were months and months in the making; her emaciated state, the same. Given all of this, it seemed unlikely that Muppet had survived any length of time on her own. The most plausible speculation is that Muppet was a part of a neglectful, abusive puppy mill operation.

And then she was dumped.

Are you angry yet? I was; still am. And that is why when her rescue crew called me looking for a foster option for Muppet, I said yes. How could I say no?

I picked up Muppet on April 23. It had taken more than a month of veterinary care to heal her and bring her weight up from nine to now sixteen pounds.  The staff said affectionate farewells to her and were thorough in their cautions to me about Muppet’s background, about her “uniqueness”.  I figured we would work it out.

Free at last.

I could be that cocky because I believe in the magic of what we have created here in this place; the power of finding and holding love for each and every creature that comes to us. I believe in Marco’s ability to nuture and caretake in a devoted intensity exactly matching what is needed.

Marco, keeping her safe.

I believe in the kindness and patience of the man I married, who never makes me feel that any of this is too much.

Rocking the baby to sleep.

I believe in the instincts of the pack and the herd to know when there is a fragileness present and to allow space for that one to “be with”, without pressure.

Everyone is in on this.

Mostly, I believed in that little pup; that her background was just that — her background, and not a definition of who she was on the inside. Slowly, but steadily we watched Muppet transform herself. She tolerated, then accepted, then began to ask for human caresses and snuggles. She went from full scale panic about being outdoors, to guarded curiosity, to willing adventures. She slowly became house broken, keeping her kennel clean, weaning into diapers, and finally, learning to use the dog door, coming and going as she needed. That pale, cowering little pup, began releasing her fears and settling into her own body and becoming what I can only describe as joyful.

We so recently lost Molly and had a terrible scare with Grace, after which I made a valiant speech to Gordy about how attrition is not such a bad idea, Still, here came Muppet all tangled up and quirky. We celebrated her successes and laughed at her antics and in the course of it all, fell very much in love with her. No, more than that. We felt wired for Muppet: What she is, we needed and the same in return. So, yes, this is a story with a happy ending, for Muppet has found her forever home — with us. Attrition will have to wait. There is so much more love left to share.

You are most awesome, Muppet.


A special and extraordinary thank you to Ivy Nys and other members of the Forestry crew who made Muppet’s miracle possible. Thank you also to the awesome and kind care provided by Town and Country Animal Hospital, and especially thank you, Gordy, for knowing when not to hold me to my word; I love you. And Muppet, dear, Muppet, you are loved and safe, now and forever. Be happy.

Writing about what sings to me from a life made full with animals.

8 thoughts on “The Story of Muppet

  1. One more time you brought tears to my eyes with this beautiful story, Lisa. You are living a very beautiful life. BTW – I just knew when I started following Muppet’s story she had found her forever home.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love you and Gordy for your willingness to gather all animals in need into your bonds and make them fill at Home rather than Homeless !! AS a volunteer for the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier rescue group I speak out to you for your kindness and dedication not only to our Wheaten group but to all animals.. Your dedication to this effort is Above and Beyond expectation– It would be my pleasure to meet you guys and share the happiness my GOOD GOLLY MISS MOLLY has meant to Pat and I . Molly will be 11 years old Aug 26 , And we rescued her (9 years ago) We have been involved in 34 Soft coated Wheaten Terriers rescues in the last 61 months.– This is the best thing I’ve done since I’ve retired some 12 years ago!! Molly and I love you and Gordy for your love and endurance !! Bill Hollingsworth Mount Dora Fl. 352-383-5323 –Thanks for your KINDNESS

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well, first let me say thank you so much for rescuing your Molly and for the work you have done with the Wheaten Rescue. It takes a village and I am so happy you are part of that village. Thank you for your kind words and if ever you are in the mood for a drive up to Ocala, let us know! ❤


  3. Hi Lisa,
    sWell, you brought me to tears. The beautiful, giving soul that you are touched me. You have unconditional love for all that is good. You are kind. You are blessed with Muppet and she with you. Thank you for reaching into my heart and mind with your words. You made me cry and smile today.


  4. Lisa I just reread this and I’m so proud to have met you with our two rescue Wheatens,Shea and Wilson. We lost Shea nearly a year ago to prostrate cancer, he was only 8 years old. Wilson lasted to !4 and a half, he suddenly had heart failure and he went quickly. He was very sharp to the end. I’ll never forget him at your ranch and how he interacted with the animals you have. That was a priceless experience for us and we thank you for being who you and Gordy are.

    Steve Nelson
    PS: We now have a relative new rescue. a 5 year old female named Nellie Bly,


    • Thank you so much, Steve. You must so horribly miss Shea and Wilson. They were each such unique and bigger-than-life personalities. I really must meet Miss Nellie Bly. I understand she had some surgery this week and hope all is well with her. I can’t say enough about how wonderful it has been working with the Wheaten Rescue. Another foster coming tomorrow!


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